Welcome to Snippet Sunday! I'm sharing a short story for the next few weeks that I wrote back in 2012. People say you can’t die in your dreams. I’ve died twice. Siren’s Opus is based on one of those dreams. Enjoy! And please make sure to go visit the other snippets at the Facebook group > https://www.facebook.com/groups/SnippetSunday/ A thump-thump sound of bone knocking music infested her space and drowned out the soothing voice of public radio trying to come out of her one working speaker. She turned the volume button to the right. Maybe it was time for a new sound system. Who was she kidding? She could barely afford the gas to get to work. Tipping her head slightly to the side, she snuck a peek at the noise offender. A sleek, shiny red, convertible – with a douchebag driver, most likely. She glanced into the car for confirmation. Shit! The driver grinned at her, dark glasses framing a chiseled face. A tumble of dark hair brushed his shoulders, waves so perfect they belonged in a shampoo commercial. Douchebag, maybe, but a very sexy one. He moved the glasses down, giving her one of those stares. She knew that look. That I'd-like-to-fuck-you stare. She answered the challenge with a teasing grin. Nothing wrong with flirting with a hot man before work.